Thursday, February 3, 2011

It's a miracle!

Finally! My last post was all about me feeling sorry for myself but I can happily say a miracle happened. The morning sickness just went away! A couple days ago I was feeling crappy, thinking there was no way I could put up with feeling the same way for the next 5ish months and then all of the sudden that night, it went away. Weird, but I am soo glad. My lack of food was getting to me and I found myself crying all the time over nothing and then suddenly, I was as happy as could be. I hope it stays this way. I also have some more good news. We found out we're having a boy! I have to be honest...I've been hoping for a girl ever since Jon and I got married. I always thought my first baby would be a girl and I was super set on that until Christmas. Up until Christmas, it didn't even cross my mind that we would be having anything but a girl since that's what I wanted so badly, but...things never happen how we plan. I think the Lord knew I needed a little time to change my mind set so I was pretty much hit on the head in December that my little girl dream wasn't going to happen. So, when we saw the ultrasound today, I wasn't the least bit surprised when the doctor said it was a boy. And honestly, I couldn't have been happier as we watched our little boy rub his eyes and scratch his head on the ultrasound. I'm just happy that the baby seems perfectly healthy and will join us sometime in the middle of July.

1 comment:

  1. Yay! I'm so excited for you! I'm glad you aren't so sick anymore!! :) Maybe he will share a birthday with Ben! :D
