Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Turning 31, soccer and other random updates

Last week I turned 31 and for my birthday, I got a new camera!  I've been wanted a camera for years but have never justified spending the money.  Well, now I have one and I've been taking pictures like a madwoman.  Jon also got me the book, "Nikon D5300 for Dummies" and I've been reading that so even though I am, by no means, an expert I feel like I learn something new every time I get through a new section or take more pictures in different environments.  I've been determined to not put the camera on automatic so I feel like right now I'm in the experimental phase.  And now I want to take classes from professionals to get more perspective on everything...Anyway, my point is, prepare for a lot of pictures!  

Our boys had their last soccer game this past Saturday and we were sad to see it end!  Aiden improved every game, as far as understanding what he's supposed to do and he went from never wanting to play again to having fun and looking forward to the games.  So that was a success.  And Patrick loved it from the start this year and amazed me with his enthusiasm and coordination.  Definitely something we will continue every year.

 This past weekend we went to Jackson Hole and this is a picture I snapped before we left.

Hello to me being nine months pregnant

You can't just stand by a moose and smile, you have to stick out your tongue or pick it's nose.

 The boys ask me, daily, to take their picture so I happily practice

 Maybe my last, ever, pregnancy picture?  It's a definite possibility but this was me around 36 weeks...maybe I already posted this picture on the blog?

 Go Fish is the big game at our house right now

 Adding some decor to our dining room.

 Seeing these hanging planters in our kitchen make me happy every single day

 We're almost completed with our baby room!  Just in time since I'm full term on Monday...

 It's finally summer weather here so we are taking advantage with playing in the sprinklers, planting flowers and enjoying summer nights out on our porch.  Summer is the best.

1 comment:

  1. I love that you're still blogging! I hardly read anyone else's blog anymore, but I write mine because I love having our family history recorded. It looks like you do too! Excited for you to learn about photography. It's addicting. :)
