Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Pregnancy Update: 33 weeks!

I am 33 1/2 weeks along and that leaves me, at most, with 5 1/2  weeks left(I'm getting 
induced due to our crazy moving schedule) and that feels insanely close but at the same time I cannot wait to meet this little girl and feel more like myself again...my tired, emotional, new mom self.
I've never filled out one of these questionnaires, but there's no time like the present so here we go!
How far along?  32 weeks and a couple days
Weight Gain/loss?  Definitely gain and I'm not even going to go there ;)
Maternity Clothes?  Yes and yes.  In the past I've tried to get away with sizing up regular clothes but by the third pregnancy, bring on the longer shirts and stretchy bands.
Best moment this week?  Feeling the baby have hiccups.  How adorable is that to picture?
Movement?  Goodness, it feels like this baby rarely sleeps!  I feel her constantly wiggling and readjusting.  She likes to kick out on my stomach on one little area and that area feels bruised inside.  But I would rather have constant movement than be worrying all the time.
Food cravings?  I've never had the cravings part but I have had foods that I tolerate better than others during the sickness half.  Early in pregnancy, oranges agreed with me but now I can't think of anything in particular.  I still really like pizza.  Does that count?
Showing yet?  Heck yes.  A couple months ago I started to hear those lovely comments of, "You are pregnant!  I couldn't tell if that was just weight gain or a baby."  But there's is no denying it, nor has there been for awhile.
Labor Signs?  Just a lot of Braxton Hicks.
Wedding ring on or off?  I can still fit my wedding ring on but I don't wear it.  The thought of it getting stuck on my finger makes me somehow feel claustrophobic so I replaced it with a fake one early on.
Happy or Moody most of the time?  I don't know if moody is the right word...mainly stressed which I guess tends to make me more uptight than usual.  However, I think all the house renting/buying stuff is coming together so hopefully that will change soon so we can just focus on baby coming.
This has been the hardest and easiest pregnancy so far.  Easiest in the sense that the sickness ended in the mid teen weeks vs. around the 22 week mark.  And the intensity started easing off at the end of the first trimester.  That was heaven sent and definitely the biggest blessing so far.  I cannot stress how much that saved my sanity.  Hands down, I would take all of the other symptoms I've had over the intense nausea for months on end.  The part that's been harder than past pregnancies is just the fatigue.  I was pregnant with Aiden when I was 26 and the 4-5 years since then have made a difference.  My body feels like it's taken a lot more of a beating than it has in the past so I applaud women who handle pregnancy in their later 30's and 40's.  So yeah, the body fatigue is the hardest thing right now but definitely nothing to seriously complain about.  Overall, I feel blessed that everything has gone relatively smoothly and there haven't been any major complications.  I don't take that for granted.  Here's to 5 1/2 more weeks...at most. :)

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