Friday, May 26, 2017

Life this past week

This past week was full of some of my favorite things: soccer games, school events, firsts, lasts, and putting together a baby room.  This is a picture dump so that I can document everything in one post.  You've been warned.

First off: Kindergarten graduation was last friday!  I was really looking forward to this and it did not disappoint.  Those little kids were adorable up there and I loved seeing Patrick getting into the songs.  He was a little self conscious at times but still so cute to watch.

He's really excited that he gets to go to school all day next and do things like, ride the bus!  And, eat lunch at school!  

 And on that same day(May 19th), right after the graduation, Patrick showed me that his tooth was ready to come out.  He was growing up so much in one day!

And then on Saturday the boys had their next to last game and the team took their team picture.  Aiden even scored his first goal on this day.  I'm going to miss soccer season.

On Sunday we decided to take a little drive up to Mesa Falls.  The boys were soo excited for our little "trip" and then when they saw the waterfall, they couldn't believe such a big waterfall is so close to where we live.  Although, I think the rainbow coming off of the waterfall was their favorite part.

And then the start of the nursery happened.  We have a few projects planned for this weekend and curtains, bedding, etc. is still coming but we got a few things put together!  Patrick was really excited to help.

And Aiden was really excited to have pictures taken of himself.

 Yesterday, Patrick had his official last day of kindergarten so I had to take a picture of our oldest little man all grown up.

I forgot to take a picture of Aiden on his last day of pre-school so he wanted his own school picture.

 And, lastly, when I asked Patrick if he was excited for summer break his response was "yeah...but I'm really going to miss my teacher..."  He loved kindergarten this year and he already is asking when he can go to first grade so I'm glad we decided to put him in this year.  It wasn't all easy for him and sometimes I worry about other kids bullying him once in awhile(he's as tall as some of the older kids but acts as young as the younger kids so it throws kids off), but overall he has grown a lot and loves it.  I just have to remember that if he comes home angry at everyone, it's because we need to talk about something that happened at school rather than me get upset that he's being a pill. ;)

Anyway, life is good!  Plans change from day to day but we're learning to be flexible and overall, we're in a good spot and for that, I am grateful.  And this little family of mine is pretty great. 

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Family Time

As everyone knows, this last Sunday was Mother's Day.  I know it's a great day where we show our love and adoration for mothers but sometimes it comes off as if every mother is perfect.  And then I think every mother must somehow be doing better than myself.  I know that's not true.  I do.  But lately, a lot of things have fallen through(some of which was us buying a house as well as the renters for our own house pulling out) and I feel like with a baby coming next month, my brain is a little done with all of the planning of trying to move a family across the country while taking care of things here and having a baby.  And the people that suffer are my two little boys.  I don't want them to have what's left over of me but that's what they've been getting.
But look at their cute faces.  I know they deserve more.  Nothing in this life is more important to me than my little family and sometimes those priorities have to be reset.  I know we all go through that.  Sometimes we get so caught up in what we have to do or figure out in this life, that we forget what this whole life is about.  These little souls are my most important job.  As parents, we can't physically or mentally be there for every little aspect of their life, nor should we, but their well being should still be at the top of our priorities.  

 Family time is what it's all about.  Strengthening the relationships that are closest to us.  Not abusing them.  I know it's soo easy to take for granted the ones we love but really those are the people we should be trying hardest to serve.  

This last week we had the opportunity to go to the Idaho Falls Temple open house.  I want to say that we went through the temple and I felt amazing and all of the stresses of the day melted away and our kids were in awe, but that wouldn't be true.  We were still stressed, the kids got bored and I left feeling a little deflated.  It wasn't because anything was wrong in the was beautiful.  But looking back on these pictures I start to remember the little questions Patrick had about families and what goes on in the temple, and I remember our sweet conversation on the bus ride over about school and I realize it was worth it.  Even if every aspect wasn't perfect, any bonds built is better than nothing.  It's not about being perfect, it's about being willing to try to be better.

And man, all of the flowers on the temple ground were beautiful.   I am more than ready for summer days with a lot of outdoor swims, cook outs, and everything else that's great about having nice weather. 

Pregnancy Update: 33 weeks!

I am 33 1/2 weeks along and that leaves me, at most, with 5 1/2  weeks left(I'm getting 
induced due to our crazy moving schedule) and that feels insanely close but at the same time I cannot wait to meet this little girl and feel more like myself tired, emotional, new mom self.
I've never filled out one of these questionnaires, but there's no time like the present so here we go!
How far along?  32 weeks and a couple days
Weight Gain/loss?  Definitely gain and I'm not even going to go there ;)
Maternity Clothes?  Yes and yes.  In the past I've tried to get away with sizing up regular clothes but by the third pregnancy, bring on the longer shirts and stretchy bands.
Best moment this week?  Feeling the baby have hiccups.  How adorable is that to picture?
Movement?  Goodness, it feels like this baby rarely sleeps!  I feel her constantly wiggling and readjusting.  She likes to kick out on my stomach on one little area and that area feels bruised inside.  But I would rather have constant movement than be worrying all the time.
Food cravings?  I've never had the cravings part but I have had foods that I tolerate better than others during the sickness half.  Early in pregnancy, oranges agreed with me but now I can't think of anything in particular.  I still really like pizza.  Does that count?
Showing yet?  Heck yes.  A couple months ago I started to hear those lovely comments of, "You are pregnant!  I couldn't tell if that was just weight gain or a baby."  But there's is no denying it, nor has there been for awhile.
Labor Signs?  Just a lot of Braxton Hicks.
Wedding ring on or off?  I can still fit my wedding ring on but I don't wear it.  The thought of it getting stuck on my finger makes me somehow feel claustrophobic so I replaced it with a fake one early on.
Happy or Moody most of the time?  I don't know if moody is the right word...mainly stressed which I guess tends to make me more uptight than usual.  However, I think all the house renting/buying stuff is coming together so hopefully that will change soon so we can just focus on baby coming.
This has been the hardest and easiest pregnancy so far.  Easiest in the sense that the sickness ended in the mid teen weeks vs. around the 22 week mark.  And the intensity started easing off at the end of the first trimester.  That was heaven sent and definitely the biggest blessing so far.  I cannot stress how much that saved my sanity.  Hands down, I would take all of the other symptoms I've had over the intense nausea for months on end.  The part that's been harder than past pregnancies is just the fatigue.  I was pregnant with Aiden when I was 26 and the 4-5 years since then have made a difference.  My body feels like it's taken a lot more of a beating than it has in the past so I applaud women who handle pregnancy in their later 30's and 40's.  So yeah, the body fatigue is the hardest thing right now but definitely nothing to seriously complain about.  Overall, I feel blessed that everything has gone relatively smoothly and there haven't been any major complications.  I don't take that for granted.  Here's to 5 1/2 more most. :)

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Happy Birthday to Jon!

Yesterday, this amazing guy turned 31.  He is my other half. He's the man that's willing to get up in the middle of the night with our kids.  The man that is willing to do anything to make sure I'm happy.  The man that chokes up telling me how grateful he is for our little family.   The man that will research for hours on end because he loves to learn.  The man that asks me what crazy project I have for him next.  The man that supports our family in every way possible.  The man I can turn to for anything.  The man that will listen to my endless tangents.  The man that keeps me sane.  The man with a heart of gold.  

I couldn't have asked for a better person to go through this life with.  I love you, Jon!