Thursday, October 9, 2014

Aiden at 18 months

Mr. Aiden.  My little man.  Sweet, little Aiden.  My little cuddle buddy.

This picture means a whole lot to me right now.  It perfectly sums up our relationship.
 You have become attached at my hip lately.  Or anyone's really.  You love to be held and cuddled with.  It's definitely tough when I'm trying to get things done and I might complain a little bit but I love your hugs.  I love your open display of affection and I love your smiles.  I can never get tired of your smiles.  One of your smiles can lighten the darkest of days.  Don't even get me started when you giggle as well.  Just thinking about it almost makes me want to go wake you up from your bed just so I can get another little smile and giggle out of you.  Almost. ;)

Your vocabulary has just started increasing.  For the longest time you only favored a few words: mama, dada, baba and nana(banana).  It's no wonder why banana and bottle would be your second and third words considering the fact that I think you would be perfectly happy to only eat/drink those the rest of your life.  However, lately you've started adding quite a few words including: dow(down), up, no, yeah!, pwea(please), tay oo(thank you), luff oo(love you), I, hi, bye, ball, Abby, opay(open), ahma(grandma), shoe, eye, mow(mouth), no(nose).  I know there are more but it's hard to remember at the moment. You also looove making animal noises.  Preferably the pig, horse and cow.  Most definitely the pig, though.  You love pointing out animals in real life as well as in books or with toys.  You also love pointing to various body parts and copying what we say but you have the face down pretty well.

  I want to say you're the sweetest baby known to man, but lately you have developed a little temper.  Although it pretty much only comes out when Patrick takes one of your toys or you want food.  We know where your priorities are. ;)  Oh, and that stubborn streak in has definitely started to come out full force.  I have to recruit your dad to feed you most days because for some reason, he's the only one that can get you to eat certain foods.

Favorite toys at the moment would have to be balls and little things to hold in your hand whether it be mini cars or animal figures.  I was afraid you would take after your brother with a love of cars, simply because you see him playing with them a lot, but I'm glad you're showing your own interest in things.  You love to climb and be outside and do anything active.  You also love playing the piano with your brother.  It's interesting to watch because you both already have very unique touches when you play.  Patrick just goes with it with full force and you keep it a lot more delicate.  Even when you're trying to play loud.
  Little one, you make it hard for me to get after you.  Even when you're in time out, I can't help but smile when I see you crossing your arms and tapping your foot, waiting patiently until I'm done counting.  You have a light that is contagious.  We love you more than life itself.

Mom and Dad

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