Monday, October 8, 2012


It's been awhile so really this is just a catch-up of what we've been doing lately.  I know, since my life is so interesting, that you all have been checking your computers every single day to see when I would update it again. ;)

So, firstly, my dad's headstone got installed and it's perfect.  To be honest, I think it will take awhile before I get used to seeing my parent's name on a headstone.  Going to the cemetery always has a way of bringing on the tears and feelings of complete loss, mixed with a sense of peace. 

This last Saturday, in between sessions, Mike blessed their baby boy, Marcus.  We found out this last week that Mike is going to Afghanistan for the next year.  I'm pretty sure I'm not strong enough to handle having a husband in the military.  This is his 4th time going overseas.

Mike, Jen, Marcus, Cannon, Ada

Family on the Blackburn side

Also, I have to keep up the tradition from last time of posting bad lighting and not so attractive pregnant pictures.  Just over 4 months down and just over 5 months left to go.  Next doctor's appointment, we find out the gender. :)  I already knew what Patrick was by this time so I'm practicing my patience this time around.  Although, overall, I'm not as impatient to have the baby come as I was the first time.  The only reason for my impatience now is so that I can stop feeling this crappy morning sickness.  It's still my constant companion, 24/7, but like I mentioned in the last post, I'm grateful it eased off a little bit from the first trimester.

It's a good thing these cute little people are worth anything we have to go through to get them here. ;)
Side note: Patrick loves laundry baskets. Who knew they were so cool to hang out in? 
   A few days ago, I was mentioning to my mom that it's hard to really think that anything happening now is of much significance because of everything that's happened this summer.  I know it is, and since this is our family journal, I need to keep this updated but it's been harder than usual.  Conference came at the perfect time for a little pick me up.  Not that it makes life perfect, but it's always great to be reminded why we're here and what we're capable of doing.