Wednesday, October 24, 2012

15 months

I know 15 months is kind of a random time to update about Patrick's milestones but it's been awhile and I wanted to include this cute picture in the blog(Aubree took this up at the cabin during the family reunion).

Some little things about Patrick right now:

-He loves blowing kisses and giving kisses.  Our dogs are a little frightened by this but the rest of us love it
-He's getting better at giving real hugs.  Again, our dogs are not thrilled about this
-He waves hi and bye.  For some reason when people used to say bye to him, he would just blow a kiss but he's finally gotten down the waving thing.
-He understands simple commands like, "Let's put those toys away," or "let's close the door," or "bring me your shoes."
-He loves trying to help clean up around the house.  If there's a mop or broom around, he is more than happy to push it around "helping"
-Something he started doing a couple months ago is that he would get a diaper and wipe out of his diaper bag, bring it to us and then poop in his diaper.  Sometimes he would poop first and then bring us all the stuff but either way, we know poop is on the way when he starts going through his diaper bag.
-Cupboards and drawers are still a constant fascination to him.
-Favorite "toys" include: cooking utensils, pots and pans, pens and pencils, and electronics with buttons.  He'll play with actual toys but for some reason he's really drawn to anything in the kitchen
-He moved down to one nap a day about a month ago.  Patrick adjusted really well but it took me a little longer to get used to.  I really loved that shower time in the morning...
-He doesn't seem overly interested in mastering more words than nana(banana, although recently he's using that word for anything he wants at the time), mama, dada.  He talks a lot and gets quite animated sometimes, but it's still mostly just babbling.  He does try to copy our words more and more so he's imitated words like; bye, hi, and ok, but they're not really constant enough for me to say that he really knows what they mean.

I don't know what we'd do without this little guy.  I feel like he's just so sweet and innocent still and has a way of helping us forget, for a moment, how hard life is.  His cute laugh never ceases to lighten the mood...except for when it's a mischievous one from him knowing he's getting into something he shouldn't.  Which happens quite often now.  I'll admit I get exhausted chasing him with his endless amount of energy, but I still love him more than I can put into words.  Happy 15 month birthday, Patrick!

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