Saturday, September 24, 2011

2 Months!

Yesterday was Patrick's 2 month birthday! The hardest 2 months of parenting are over, right? ;) I wish. He had his doctor's appointment so here are his stats:

height: 24.5 in.-95%
weight: 14.3 pds.-95%
head: 19 in.- 100%

In other words: he's a big boy! He also had his shots, which I thought he handled really well. He screamed for the shots but he quieted down right away and just cuddled with me. I'm pretty sure I had a harder time with it than he did. I made Jon be the one to hold his legs for the nurses and I almost cried when I heard his screams. I didn't realize how hard it would be to see my little guy in pain. I know pain is needed in life but I already feel so protective of Patrick. I have a deeper thought on that but maybe I'll leave that for another time.

Also, he's developed quite the little personality. There's a few things that almost always make Patrick happy(besides me of course;)): food, music-violin and piano in particular, bath time and sleep. A boy after my own heart. :) He's also started smiling and giggling all the time. It is the cutest thing and I'll pull any face and make any sound to see his smile. I have no pride. He also has a fascination with lights. For some reason, if there's a ceiling light in a room, his eyes are fixed on it. I hope he doesn't go blind from staring at them. Patrick loves to cuddle, and lucky for me, he's hardly ever fussy. If he does get fussy, it's usually because I'm late on feeding him or late in putting him down for a nap. He's already rolled over multiple times and he's constantly stretching, kicking, reaching, etc. To sum him up in one sentence: he's a big, healthy, happy, cuddly, talkative, cute, active little boy.

It's only been 2 months but I already can't imagine life without him. I just feel so blessed to have been given this little guy to take care of and, while I may get impatient and run down sometimes, I'm loving this new chapter in our lives. Here's some pictures of our little man:

Happy after bath time.

No, I didn't position his hands that way. He's just that cute. :) I found this hat at the mall and loved it. :)

1 comment:

  1. Wow he is a big boy!! I'm glad things are going well! And yes I think the first 2 months are definitely the hardest!
