Monday, September 26, 2011

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday to my amazing mother...yesterday. :) I forgot to write about my dad's birthday back in August so I suppose this is for both of them. So, happy birthday mom and dad and thank you for being such great examples to me. Our family has been through quite a bit this year and they both have been incredibly strong, in every way. I'm glad my son will grow up knowing these great people...who happen to absolutely adore him. ;) Love you mom and dad!

On a random side note: this is my newest obsession. If you haven't tried should. Coconut heaven. Thank you Jon for bringing this to me from work.  I might have been a little cranky for a few days and Jon just might know that food can make me happy.  Yeah, we buy each other's love once in awhile.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

2 Months!

Yesterday was Patrick's 2 month birthday! The hardest 2 months of parenting are over, right? ;) I wish. He had his doctor's appointment so here are his stats:

height: 24.5 in.-95%
weight: 14.3 pds.-95%
head: 19 in.- 100%

In other words: he's a big boy! He also had his shots, which I thought he handled really well. He screamed for the shots but he quieted down right away and just cuddled with me. I'm pretty sure I had a harder time with it than he did. I made Jon be the one to hold his legs for the nurses and I almost cried when I heard his screams. I didn't realize how hard it would be to see my little guy in pain. I know pain is needed in life but I already feel so protective of Patrick. I have a deeper thought on that but maybe I'll leave that for another time.

Also, he's developed quite the little personality. There's a few things that almost always make Patrick happy(besides me of course;)): food, music-violin and piano in particular, bath time and sleep. A boy after my own heart. :) He's also started smiling and giggling all the time. It is the cutest thing and I'll pull any face and make any sound to see his smile. I have no pride. He also has a fascination with lights. For some reason, if there's a ceiling light in a room, his eyes are fixed on it. I hope he doesn't go blind from staring at them. Patrick loves to cuddle, and lucky for me, he's hardly ever fussy. If he does get fussy, it's usually because I'm late on feeding him or late in putting him down for a nap. He's already rolled over multiple times and he's constantly stretching, kicking, reaching, etc. To sum him up in one sentence: he's a big, healthy, happy, cuddly, talkative, cute, active little boy.

It's only been 2 months but I already can't imagine life without him. I just feel so blessed to have been given this little guy to take care of and, while I may get impatient and run down sometimes, I'm loving this new chapter in our lives. Here's some pictures of our little man:

Happy after bath time.

No, I didn't position his hands that way. He's just that cute. :) I found this hat at the mall and loved it. :)

Friday, September 9, 2011


Patrick gets cuter everyday. He's been smiling and giggling a lot lately which has been really fun. Not much in life can bring me more joy than to see my little buddy smile and giggle when I walk over to him. This morning I decided to put his animal mobile(finally) in his playpen and after laying him down, he giggled and babbled to the little animals for literally 20 minutes. Had I known he would love the little animals so much, I would have done it sooner. Just when I think my little guy couldn't get any cuter, he always proves me wrong. I know I'm biased but I think he's a pretty great baby. :)

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Blessing Day

Patrick was blessed on Saturday, September 3, 2011. We wanted to do the blessing with just close friends and family and I thought it all worked out perfectly. It was nice to just have a little get together with our family and Jon did such a great job blessing our little Patrick. :) The men that stood in the circle were: Jon, both of Patrick's grandfathers, my grandpa Ellis, Derek, Michael Blackburn and Brother Becceril(our bishopric counselor). Patrick was also in a great mood the whole morning/afternoon which was nice. He was giving everyone plenty of his cute smiles. :) After the blessing we did a luncheon and here are some pictures from the day.

(Some pictures were being taken with Lyndsee's camera and some with Jon's dad so that's why we're not always looking at the camera. These are all ones that Lyndsee thankfully took because, surprise, I thought my camera was in the diaper bag but...nope.)
This was the same outfit Jon was blessed in. It was so cute. :)

Cousin Afton and Aunt Kami

I love how Patrick is looking over at his Aunt Karolyn

Monday, September 5, 2011


Blogger is being really slow so I'll add more pictures later but, once again, Aubree was sweet enough to take pictures for us. She did such a great job and I'm just grateful she's been willing to take so many for us. :)

I love this little face

And I love these little toes

Patrick's pretty much happy all the time :) We hadn't figured out a good schedule yet when we took these pictures so at the time he was grumpy and this was a rare smile but now this is his expression a lot of the day.

I can't help but smile when I see this picture


He is so sweet

I also can't help but smile when I see these two pictures. I love them :)

Thursday, September 1, 2011

The Boppy.

Patrick loves the boppy

Max loves the boppy