Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Aiden Kyle Blackburn

Patrick is with his Grandma Clifford and Aiden is sleeping so I have a little time to update this blog.  I know not everyone loves to read about labor/delivery stories but I'm a fan of them so you all get to read about how Aiden got here. :)  Prepare for a lot of pictures.

2:30 AM and me ready to be done having contractions

My contractions started on Wednesday morning at 3:30 AM and were still going by Thursday morning when I checked into the hospital around 3:00AM.  They hadn't been close enough for me to go in on Wednesday but from 11:00pm-2:30am, they had been consistent enough(about every 6 minutes) that I knew it was probably safe to go in.  I could have waited longer but really I just wanted that heavenly epidural and there was no way I wanted there to be a chance of missing it.  However, to make a long story short, the hospital monitor wasn't picking up all my contractions, the nurses didn't think they were coming as close as they were, Jon said I was being too nice about my pain level, and my epidural didn't come until 7:30 on Thursday morning.  I wanted to curse.  Let's be honest, I don't curse.  But if there was a time I wanted to start a new bad habit of cursing, it was then.  It felt like the hospital was being slow to admit me, slow to come back and check on me, slow to do an ultrasound(Aiden's heartbeat was dipping with every contraction so they were worried about that), and slow to call on the epidural guy.  By the time he came, the contractions weren't really letting up.  I pass out at pain.  I hate pain.  If there's anything that pushes me to my breaking point, it's pain as intense as a contraction, so when they came to give me the epidural, I was about ready to cry with relief.  Jon said that my personality seemed a little bipolar because I went from being super upset to super happy in about five minutes because of the epidural.  They came back to check on me soon after the epidural, I was at a 9, and Aiden's heartbeat really wasn't looking good and the doctor started to be really worried and wanted to get him out.  By 8:30 the nurses and doctor came in to get everything ready, I started to push and within a couple sets of pushes, Aiden was out and born at 9:19 AM on March 14, 2013 weighing 6 pds. 6 oz.  The labor was a little rough on him, his lungs wanted to give out, and he needed some extra help so they took him straight to the NICU where he spent a couple days.   





Going home.




 Since then, things have gone really well.  Maybe it's because I had Patrick, what feels like, a few months ago or just because I've been through the process before, but my body tore less, recovery has come faster, and emotions have been more in check this time around.  Aiden has been a super relaxed baby which has made this whole transition a lot easier.  To make it even better, Patrick skipped the jealousy part and went straight to adoring his little brother.  There are a lot of kisses going around in our house hold.  When Patrick wakes up from a nap, the first thing he wants to do is go check on baby.  It's the cutest thing to hear him trying to say Aiden's name.  Right now it comes out sounding like Ayen. :)
I love these boys.
I love these faces

Sleep deprived or not, life with these boys is pretty great.


  1. The pictures are so sweet. I love birth stories too.
    Im so glad every thing went well. :-)
    He is definitely a cutie.

  2. Congrats! I can tell he is just so tiny. I LOVE newborns, it almost makes me want another one, if they stayed that sweet for more than a few weeks! You look great! And I totally understand the bipolar thing, I went from snapping at the Epidural guy to telling him I loved him in a matter of minutes, lol. I'm so happy for you!

  3. I'm glad you are so in love! Aiden is so tiny and precious! That's a long time to be having contractions, poor girl. But I'm glad he is here safe and sound, even after a round in the NICU. Congratulations, Mama!!! (If there is anything I've learned about having two, it's that it's okay to ask for help.)

  4. I love birth stories!! He's so cute and I'm so glad that Patrick loves him! It makes life so much less stressful! Also, I love how little he is! I'm sure you appreciated that fact too ;) What a cutie! I can't wait to see him in person!
