Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Today is my dad's 62nd birthday.  While we all wished we were celebrating with cake and presents, instead we celebrated by going to the temple and my dad's grave-which ended up being the best way possible for me to feel close to him.  This morning I couldn't help thinking about my birthday 3 months ago when my dad asked to call me on the phone for my birthday.  I answered and the first thing he said was, "Is this Natalie?  This is daddy poo.  Happy Birthday!"  And I was taken back to when I was 6 years old all over again.  It was a tender mercy-a moment my dad knew exactly what he wanted to say and probably what I needed to hear.  But today, I know my dad is watching over all of us, cheering us on when we have harder days, like today, and knowing it won't be that long till we all see each other again.  Happy Birthday, Dad.

1 comment:

  1. happy birthday to the dearest man we know and love ,you've been gone only a short time but seems like forever.we miss hearing your voice and seeing your sweet smile.and learning of your daily journeys when we talk.may life be just enjoyable in heaven as here on earth.we love you .the nelsons.
