Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Life lately

It's so weird that here in N.C., we are in the later fall time and it's still hot outside.  We were watching "The Office" and they commented on the first snowfall and I literally started tearing up because I wanted that magical snow moment.  I realized that I actually love the change of the seasons to winter, which I had no idea about myself. Ha!  Here are some pictures of what our days look like here:

Lyndsee and her mom came to visit!!!

Home updates...this kitchen felt so. much. better. after this little face lift.  We actually painted the whole house and did quite a few improvements.  I couldn't handle the beige everywhere.

I just love her

My three cuties

Blacky away from home during the spring and 4 months later, on a run, I found her.  She was hanging out at a white house with black shutters and a barn on the side.  She was trying to find our old home:(  But we were so happy to find her.

Movie night!

Monday, October 1, 2018

Heading to Florida during the hurricane

I didn't realize that summer in the south, or closer to the coast, meant rainy season.  Summer is the time when it rains almost every single day.  I knew hurricanes happened but I didn't really think our city would be in a catastrophic zone.  So, when we got the news that we were in a more dangerous area, we took a trip down to Florida(which was surprisingly getting no hurricanes at the time, although they got hit a couple weeks later) to spend a couple weeks with some family.  Luckily, Jon was able to work from home and we had some fun adventures mixed in.  It was hard.  Don't get me wrong.  We evacuated at 7:00PM and drove 13 hours away all through the night in a little car with 3 kids and 4 animals and all the luggage, cat cages, etc.  It was exhausting, we weren't in our own space with a lot of little humans and creatures to take care of but Jon's family was so kind to take us in and it all worked out well.  The kids had a complete blast hanging out with cousins for so long.  Here's a few pictures from our adventure.  Funny side note: our city ended up being a kind of island, barely got hit, and we would have had an easier time just sitting in our home and going nowhere rather than evacuate.  Live and learn I guess...haha
Loooong drive through the night

Science museum in Florida

The boys were soo excited to go to Dinosaur World