Sunday, November 5, 2017

Sammy at 4 months

Samantha, Sammers, Sammy, Sam, babe, baby girl, babers, Jojo...she has quite a few names we call her.  Some things to remember from this month:
 -She has started rolling from front to back at the first of the month and this past week she is constantly going from back to front. 
---She's also sitting up better in her Bumbo seat and is insanely responsive and talkative with us.
 She's reaching for things and noticing her hands and movements more.
 She watches everything around her and there is no way she wants to be curled into us when we're walking around or sitting.  She wants to see the world.  And smile at the world.  And laugh at people who give her attention...which is a lot
-Total momma's girl
-She's not completely into the stranger danger phase but she has started to get more picky about who holds her.  If she's not completely comfortable with them or they don't hold her how she's used to, she starts to get fussy.
-She loves to suck on things, whether it's her hand, a blanket, or a binky
-Not my greatest eater.  Definitely not.  The boys would eat if I fed them.  She won't eat any closer than every 4 hours and then she still isn't that interested in it.  By 3:30 AM, she's starving and drinks more than she will all day.  It's lovely.  So yeah, she has to be starving or nothing.  Karma.   

He smile is contagious and I can't help but be grateful for her, and all my children every single day.  You'd think having a third would be more overwhelming, but mainly I feel more love for all my children since having her.  Granted, moving with three kids, and one being a baby, hasn't gone as quickly but I wouldn't trade having Sam for anything.  She's truly brought another light to our family.  Even as I'm typing this, she's looking at me, smiling, and drooling all over her fingers while also trying to talk to me.  She feels like a little angel on earth.  Here are a few pictures that I took of her the other night when I was doing some family pictures in front of our house before we leave it(bring on the tears).

And some of the many faces of Sam:

And her 4 month stats:  
weight-14 lbs 1 oz.(45%)
height-25.5 in.(87%)
head-16.3 in.(71%)

Sammers, your brothers are obsessed with you, your dad and mom are obsessed with you.  I can't imagine a world without you in it.  We love you.